Tiny Dragon Legends: Simulation Adventure

Tiny Dragon Legends: Simulation Adventure sellunitysourcecode

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Embark on an enchanting journey with Tiny Dragon Legends: Simulation Adventure, a captivating fantasy game that thrusts you into the magical world of a diminutive and charming dragon on an epic quest. Dive into various quests, from collecting coins and mushrooms to engaging in aerial maneuvers, knocking down hunter beasts, and more across 11 diverse island levels. Half of these levels feature exhilarating flight experiences, while the others present challenging walking or running scenarios, promising an engaging and varied adventure.

Key Features:

  • 11 Diverse Mania Levels: Explore a world crafted from stone mountain islands and cityscapes, offering a variety of challenges and adventures.
  • Dragon Monster Skin Themes: Hatch, raise, and breed your dragon with 5 distinctive skin themes.
  • Eye-Catching Variety: Modify and train your dragon with a wide selection of eye colors and shapes.
  • Online Fun: Enjoy many hours of online fun as you navigate through the enchanting dragon story.
  • Smooth Controls: Experience seamless controls with stunning visual magic effects in a high-quality 3D battlefield scenery.
  • War Battle Companionship: Treat your war battle dragon like a trusted friend, strengthening your bond as you face challenges together.
  • Suitable for All Ages: The gameplay is tailored for various age and skill groups, ensuring an inclusive and enjoyable experience.
  • Christmas Special: Immerse yourself in the festive spirit with a special Christmas-themed addition to the adventure.


  • Regular Version: Unity 2018
  • Updated Version: Unity 2022

Demo Apk:

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Last Update 31-01-2024

  • Updated to Unity 2022
  • Fixed Some Errors

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