High-end 3D zombie shooter platform with detailed dismemberment and gore.
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The gameplay can be classic side-scrolling shooter of full featured third person shooter. You can combine both camera views in one game.
Core gameplay is 100% ready and completely tested.All mechanics, score system, weapons shop is coded and ready for usage.
The game was not published on any mobile platforms.
Performance test:
45-60 fps running on iPhone 5S(Metal API) (blob shadow on dyn objects)
30-60 fps running in iPhone 5S(Metal API) realtime shadowing + baked on static objects.
Android APK(ES3) – full-featured graphics(recommended);
Android APK(ES2) – lite graphics but faster(for low-end devices);
Windows x64 (7zip self extacting) – just for demo(check readme.txt);
The documentation is available for all customers. See Doc folder in code archive.
Attention for all buyers. Before adding any third party assets or updating something like Unity IAP you have to make at least one Android build to make sure that everything works!
Can you give me a demo package to test?
11 May 2024, 06:27:13