Master Gun is a complete project template that will help you create a shooting hyper casual games. You only need change graphic, models, add more levels, replace ads key to publish a good game in google play or app store. The project use Unity new version (2021.3) so your project has the highest of performance and features
64 bit architecture
Hyper casual game style
10 different levels and loop (add more levels very easy, we created a guide video)
Admob (banner, interstitial, reward video)
Firebase Analytics (you only need replace .plist or .json file for working on your account)
3D low poly graphic (it’s fit for hyper casual games and good performance in mobile)
Replace 3d models in project easily (we created guide video to reskin character or level objects)
Run well on Android or IOS (Tested)
Made by new version of Unity (Unity 2021.3)